Hello ECC Families! These dates are being posted earlier than normal due to our February break. February 21-25 break: Enjoy your time! Important March dates: Wednesday, March 2nd: One half PD day for all of Agawam schools. Please note the ECC sessions below. These times are only for ECC. ECC AM students do NOT have school. ECC PM students DO have school. The other Agawam schools have sessions in the AM, with an early dismissal. Please call the ECC with questions. This day is also Read Across America Day. We invite you to dress as your favorite Dr. Seuss character or in the colors blue, white and red. Stay tuned as more information will be coming about this celebration.
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
One half PD day!
Miss Joanna's classroom had a very FUN Valentine's Day! In connection with our Community Helper Unit, the students took on the role of detective and searched for the missing hearts. Smiles were everywhere!
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Do you have children's books you don't need or want? The Parents of ECC are looking for donations of children's books: story books, picture books, chapter books, etc. We have a donation box at the ECC on Perry Lane. If you want to donate some books, please stop by. Thank you.
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Children's books
Movement and exercise! ECC students and staff enjoy our gross motor time. During the cold winter days we don't get outside as much. The ECC team brainstormed ideas to keep us moving. Scooters and a walking path are used inside to provide fun exercise and movement. Stay tuned for a sensory wall that will be added to our fun!
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Miss CIndy scooters
Scooter Time
Walking carefully
Calling all kings, queens, princes/princesses and knights in shining armor! Thank you for the numerous donations. The students love them! Dressing up is so much FUN!
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
dress up
dress up
Is your child turning 5 before September 1, 2022? If so we want to meet you! Click on this link for information about the Agawam Kindergarten Information Night. https://5il.co/158q9
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
K Info Night
Make Miss Lauren's students' dreams come true. They are looking for costumes to fit their little kings, queens, princes and princesses and knights in shining armor! We welcome any/all gently used costumes to use in our preschool classroom. Please email Miss Lauren at lcousineau@agawamed.org with any donations or questions.
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Make Our Wishes Come True
Oh what fun we have in January at the ECC. We play in the snow....inside! NO winter gear needed for this fun activity. We chill on ice with fish and polar bears. And we go ice fishing under the snow tent. Can you say F-U-N?! Students are from Miss Lauren's and Miss Michele's classrooms.
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Just Chillin"
Cool reading area
snow play
The PARENTS of ECC Meeting for February is Wednesday, 2/9 at 12:00 in the ECC Meeting Room on Perry Lane. Join us to hear about the amazing things we are doing at the ECC and to discuss future fundraising events. Don't have a sitter? We have books and toys for your children to play with during the meeting. We hope to see you there!
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Parents of the ECC
Miss Chrissy one of the ECC SLPs (speech language pathologists) works with one of our students. Tops are so much fun and aid in prompting all kinds of fun words. Smiles were everywhere.
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Ice skating indoors? Oh yes we do at the ECC! Students in Miss Lauren's classroom skate on "ice" using fuzzy socks. They can also choose to wear a winter hat and scarf. The students love this center activity. The adults do too.
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
ice skating
Happy January ECC Families! Important January dates: Monday, January 17 NO School Martin Luther King Day Reminder: Please call your student out when they will be absent. Thank you.
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Comradery from afar: School Resource Officer John Nettis received a special gift all the way from Turkey. Staff member, Miss Ayla gave John a gift from her father who is also a police officer in Turkey. The gift keeps law enforcement safe.
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
John, John, Ayla, Laurie
Agawam School Resource Officers John Nettis and John Fields came to the ECC to visit with students and staff. The students enjoyed sharing their excitement for the upcoming holidays. Smiles and fist bumps were aplenty. The ECC students loved sharing their knowledge and creativity with them. Thank you to both officers for keeping our students, staff and schools a safe place to "bee".
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
John and Avery
Ayla and Laurie with John
Fist bump
It's Friday, December 17th and time for the ECC Family Movie Night! All ECC families are welcome. The event is from 6-8 PM at the Granger Gymnasium. Masks are required for all adults and students above 5 years old. Bring a blanket for your family to sit on. There is lots of space so we can practice social distancing. Sign up sheets went out last week and there will be one at the event for families to sign in. Happy Holidays!
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Movie Night
We had a special visitor at the ECC today. School Resource Officer, John Nettis stopped by to check out our holiday sock and accessories day. PreK student, Jaxon did not let him down. He not only showed John his reindeer antlers, he showed him the letter G that he learned about today. Nice work Jaxon!
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
J and J
Normally during OT groups in the preschool classrooms we focus on fine motor development, gross motor skills, prehension, following multi-step directions etc. But today, we focused on acceptance, kindness, and purpose. In the month of December, high school students, Garrett and Gloria, took time out of their day to prepare cinnamon salt dough for our preschool students to make their own ornaments for the holiday season. Later that month, they joined the preschool staff in leading “OT Group” within the classroom! Garrett and Gloria led the students through a variety of gross motor activities, followed by painting their holiday ornaments. At the end of the group, the preschool students thanked them with big smiles and a fist bump. As we walked out of the classroom, Garrett turned towards me, and with a big smile stated, “My heart is so full!” Meaning and purpose. Mission accomplished. Today our educators taught beyond content and curriculum, and provided an opportunity to bring meaning and purpose to helping the next generation of children. Stay tuned for next month’s “Today in OT!” Awesome job to our OT, Miss Mackenzy! Hope you enjoy the pictures :)
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
pre k class
Ot Team
Gloria and students
Students in Miss Laura's, Miss Rachel's and Miss Crystal's classroom invited their students to share about their family holiday traditions. Students and their families created a poster to share photos and other items. Students then presented to their classmates. What a great idea! Diwali, the Festival of Lights and Christmas traditions were shared on this day.
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Christmas sharing
It's pajama day at the ECC today! Lucas (in photo) is staying home today but still wanted to show his ECC spirit! His mom sent me this photo. Great job Lucas!
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Students and staff have been celebrating December with themed days. Thursday was favorite sports team attire day. We had a little fun taking selfies with surprised/silly faces and proudly showing off our favorites sports. Today, 12/10 is Agawam schools attire or brown and orange day. Let's see those colors!
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Silly face
Go B's