Remote learning at the ECC started today and will be in place until November 9th. School is in session! It may look a little differently but our amazing teachers continue to bring their creativity and energy to the remote platform.
over 4 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Miss Debbie teaches to her remote classroom
I see you! This is the view for a Google Meet.
Remote learning has begun at the ECC!
over 4 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Remote learning with Miss Debbie
Remote Learning with Miss Debbie
Thumbs up for Pre K!
over 4 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Thumbs up for the 20/21 school year! Welcome back!
View the 2020-2021 Early Childhood Center Guidelines
over 4 years ago, Agawam Public Schools
The Early Childhood Center created an introduction video for this upcoming school year -
over 4 years ago, Agawam Public Schools
School might look differently this year, but we will play. We will socialize. We will learn. We will have FUN! Looking forward to a SUPER year at the ECC -
over 4 years ago, Agawam Public Schools
We are excited to announce our new website. Please take a look around!
over 4 years ago, Agawam Public Schools
Smart phone next to laptop
This Doering Middle School student hand-made and painted this chessboard during remote learning. Such diligent efforts in the carving of the chess pieces, very impressive!
over 4 years ago, Agawam Public Schools
Agawam student creates chess board at home
Vision: The Agawam School Community is committed to developing compassionate, contributing citizens through an inclusive learning environment with high expectations. Mission: The Agawam Public School District, in partnership with the community will provide a safe, personalized, and engaging learning experience where every student is supported and challenged.
over 4 years ago, Agawam Public Schools
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