We've got the ECC spirit! Pre-k student Chase is wearing his favorite holiday hat to show his ECC spirit and have a little fun. Today 12/9 is favorite sports team day. I have my Bruins shirt on. What will you wear?
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
ECC student Nathan has on his favorite hat! Great job Nathan and Bumble :) Today is favorite holiday hat day or headwear day. Let's have a little fun and celebrate the month of December.
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Today at the ECC is wear a holiday hat or your favorite headwear! Miss Laurie and Miss Cindy have on their favorites. What is yours? PM students, if you want a chance to be on our FB page wearing your favorite holiday hat or headwear, send a photo to csykes@agawamed.org.
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Laurie and Cindy
Just a quick reminder that today is a half day of professional development for teachers. At the ECC, AM students ONLY have school. There is no PM session. The rest of the Agawam schools have a half day. Please call the ECC with any questions. Thank you.
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Half Day
ECC families! Let's have a little winter fun! Please see the attached themes to celebrate as we move through the month of December. A paper copy is coming home today. This is for staff and students. Happy December!
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
12 Days of December
Hello ECC Families! Important December dates at the ECC: Wednesday, 12/8 AM ECC students only/one half day for rest of APS District Wednesday, 12/8 Parents of ECC Meeting 4:30-5:30 at ECC Perry Lane Wednesday, 12/15 January tuition is due at ECC Friday, 12/17 6-8 ECC Holiday Movie and Snack at Granger Auditorium hosted by the Parents of ECC Thursday, 12/23 ECC NO ECC Students/one half day for rest of APS District 12/24-1/31 NO SCHOOL ALL Agawam students
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
ECC students have been celebrating different holidays from around the World. Jessica Schmaelzle, whos daughter attends Miss Melinda's classroom came into share a celebration her family celebrates and read a story teaching us about Hanukkah. In Miss Debbie's classroom they are learning about and celebrating Kwanzaa. Students used marbles and paint to create pictures using the colors of Kwanzaa. Do you have a family celebration you want to share with us? Please let us know. We love visitors that we can celebrate with and learn from.
over 2 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Miss Marylou, our ECC ELL teacher made a great impression on one of our friends, Nathan today. She read the story, "A Little Spot of Kindness" to Miss Laura's class. Nathan tried to share his little spot with me when I didn't have one. Great job Nathan!
almost 3 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
A little Spot o Kindness
It's so good to be back! It's been a busy Monday at the ECC. Check out some of our students showing they are happy to be back and working hard.
almost 3 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Dot of Kindness
Thumbs up!
We have been so busy playing, socializing and learning at the ECC that we haven't had the chance to post photos in a while. Enjoy some photos from the last few weeks. The ECC is the place to BEE!
almost 3 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Building with blocks
Playing the guitar for my friends
Selfie with Miss Cindy
Upcoming NOVEMBER Dates for ECC Families: Tuesday, 11/2 is a PD for staff/NO school for ALL Agawam students Thursday, 11/11 is Veteran's Day/No School Thursday, 11/18 Pre K Conferences 5:00-7:00 PM Wednesday, 11/24 NO School for Pre K students Thursday, 11/25 Happy Thanksgiving Friday, 11/26 NO School ALL students
almost 3 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Learning never stops at the ECC. During our fun day of wearing costumes we had a fire drill. Practice is so important for safety. So naturally our thought was PHOTO OP! One of our students dressed as a fireman so of course we invited the Agawam Fire Inspector, Derek Myers to take a picture with him as he was here conducting the fire drill. Can you say future aspirations?
almost 3 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Oh what fun it is to BEE when you come to the ECC! Students were invited to wear costumes to school on Thursday. One of our AMAZING teachers, MIss Laura came up with a GREAT idea. "Let's have a parade!" All classrooms went outside for a parade around the school, then met in one large circle to dance, cheer and have FUN! Great job ECC team!
almost 3 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
two bees
Bat Girls
The ECC is the place to BEE! We have been busy, busy, busy! We use beads to count, sort, identify colors and patterns. We use technology to identify shapes, letter, numbers and days of the months. We love puzzles and yell "YES!" when we finish them. Way to BEE ECC!
almost 3 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Yes! We did it!
Miss Jenny
Miss Cheryl
Tonight is the Agawam School District TRUNK or TREAT! It is from 5:30-7:30 at School Street Park. We have many ECC families hosting a trunk. All the Agawam schools are involved and rumor has it we have 70, yes 70 trunks! I'll be there dressed as a construction worker near a BIG truck. Can you find me? I hope to see you all there if you DARE!
almost 3 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
It's RED SOX day! Fridays at the ECC don't have many students, but that didn't stop us from cheering on the SOX! Families were invited to send us their photos showing their favorite SOX gear! Staff wore their favorites too. Go Sox!
almost 3 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Cole And Reed
Hello ECC Families, Just a reminder that Thursday, 10/21 is a half day for all Agawam students. This means that our ECC classrooms BOTH at Granger and at Perry Lane ONLY have AM session on this day. There is no PM session at either location on this day. Please call the ECC at 413-821-0597 with questions. Thank you.
almost 3 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
half day
Hello ECC Granger families! Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 19th is picture day for our Granger ECC! A notice should have come home with your student in paper form. I know that some messages can be confusing due to our two locations. ALL ECC families (both ECC Granger and ECC Perry Lane) receive every message at this time. We are working on separating notices for our two locations in the very near future. In the meantime we are highlighting notices by stating ECC Granger or ECC Perry Lane. Please email me at csykes@agawamed.org with any questions. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
Books! Books! Books! The Agawam ECC is holding a virtual book fair until Friday, October 22nd. Do you want to buy a few books while supporting the ECC? Every book you purchase allows the teachers of the ECC to receive books for their classrooms. 1. Copy and paste this link: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/agawamearlychildhoodcenter 2. Follow the directions on the page. Thank you for your support! Monday, October 18th we have two times the book fair will be open. After the students start their day, 8:40-9:45 and 11:20-12. Stop in if you want to purchase a book or two.
almost 3 years ago, Cinthia Sykes
book fair
Did someone say BOOKS? The ECC on Perry Lane is having a bookfair during tonight's Open House/Back to School Night from 5-7PM. Both Granger ECC and Perry Lane ECC parents and students can purchase books. All purchases will support resources of both ECC locations. We hope to see you tonight.
almost 3 years ago, Cinthia Sykes