Kindness and caring are contagious! These two ECC students overheard Nurse Anna and I talking about the spilled water on one of our footstools and our concern that kids could fall and get hurt. They independently grabbed some paper towels and dried it up. Amazing! They were rewarded by choosing a prize from the prize box. Great job boys! We are proud of you.
Hello ECC families! Enjoy your April vacation! We will see you on Monday, April 25th!
A little wind, rain and hail couldn't keep ECC families from having some FUN on Saturday! Renee Coro from Harmonious Happenings lead the singing and dancing for our families. The Parents of ECC sponsored the event.
ECC Families are you ready to have some music FUN? Come join us this Saturday, April 9th from 12-2 at the ECC. There will be music and a snack and book sale. All profits will benefit the Parents of ECC to help provide events for the students and staff at the ECC. Spread the word and be ready to have some Spring fun!
Let's light it up with blue. On Thursday, March 31st we invite ECC students, staff and families to wear blue. This is to support World Autism Day which is officially on Saturday, April 2. We don't have school on this day so we are celebrating early! I'll be wearing blue...will you?
Monday, March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day. We are celebrating at the ECC by wearing colorful and mismatched socks. Please see the link for more information. I can't wait to show you my socks!
The Parents of ECC are collecting donations of books. The numerous books in this photo were donated by Director, Ellen Moriarty of the Hamden Public Library. If you would like to donate books to the ECC, please bring them by. There is a bucket outside the entranceway.
Oh what fun we had at the ECC today! It was wear GREEN day, which happens to be Miss Cindy's favorite color. She smiled all day long and told us how amazing we looked. We listened to stories, used our imagination, danced and played with our friends. We found little green footprints in our classrooms and around the school. We searched for the mystical leprechaun. We set up leprechaun traps. He was good at hiding, because we never did find him. The fun energy was contagious! What a day!
Oh what fun we had at the ECC today! It was wear GREEN day, which happens to be Miss Cindy's favorite color. She smiled all day long and told us how amazing we looked. We listened to stories, used our imagination, danced and played with our friends. We found little green footprints in our classrooms and around the school. We searched for the mystical leprechaun. We set up leprechaun traps. He was good at hiding, because we never did find him. The fun energy was contagious! What a day!
Oh what fun we had at the ECC today! It was wear GREEN day, which happens to be Miss Cindy's favorite color. She smiled all day long and told us how amazing we looked. We listened to stories, used our imagination, danced and played with our friends. We found little green footprints in our classrooms and around the school. We searched for the mystical leprechaun. We set up leprechaun traps. He was good at hiding, because we never did find him. The fun energy was contagious! What a day!
Oh what fun we had at the ECC today! It was wear GREEN day, which happens to be Miss Cindy's favorite color. She smiled all day long and told us how amazing we looked. We listened to stories, used our imagination, danced and played with our friends. We found little green footprints in our classrooms and around the school. We searched for the mystical leprechaun. We set up leprechaun traps. He was good at hiding, because we never did find him. The fun energy was contagious! What a day!
Jimmy T. has joined the ECC for the past two months in the role of intern. He created a bulletin board, created Dr. Seuss truffula trees, made numerous resources and put together a rolling desk for Miss CIndy. Jimmy is part of the Agawam Public Schools STRIVE Program and worked with Briana Roy during his internship at the ECC. Both JImmy and Briana have been great additions to the ECC team.
Pre-k students in Miss Michele's classroom have been learning the Zones of Regulation. The Zones teach us how to identify emotions. Miss Michele is piloting this new program with her classroom. Students in the photo are using color coded paddles to identify emotions. Great job Miss Michele's class!
Are you an Agawam resident looking for a comprehensive, reasonably priced preschool experience for your 3 or 4 year old child? The Agawam Early Childhood Center (ECC) is accepting applications and enrollment packets for both morning and afternoon sessions for the 2022-2023 school year. Applications are currently available at the Central Enrollment/Family Resource Center or you can download the application via the Agawam Public Schools website ( Both the application and enrollment paperwork must be filled out to be placed on a class list. If you would like an opportunity to learn more about our program please call the Agawam ECC at 413-821-0597.
The Parents of the ECC are still collecting donations of books. Children, adults, picture books, etc. are all welcome. Books can be dropped off at the ECC M-F 7:30-3:30. Thank you.
Read Across America Day was fun at the ECC. Guest readers were invited into classrooms to read to our students and everyone was invited to dress up as their favorite Dr. Seuss character.
Are you an Agawam resident looking for a comprehensive, reasonably priced preschool experience for your 3 or 4 year old child?
The Agawam Early Childhood Center (ECC) is accepting applications for both morning and afternoon sessions for the 2022-2023 school year. The ECC provides all students with a standards-based education that builds the foundation for all future learning with the Agawam Public Schools. We meet the needs of children with and without disabilities and follow a developmentally appropriate curriculum where all children learn through play and hands-on activities. Our program offers half-day sessions. Applications are currently available at the Central Enrollment/Family Resource Center or you can download the application via the Agawam Public Schools website ( If you would like an opportunity to learn more about our program please call the Agawam ECC at 413-821-0597.
Read Across America Day was so much FUN! The ECC had volunteer readers read each classroom a story. Students and staff dressed up. Smiles were aplenty.
Check out these ECC students having Dr. Seuss fun even when they aren't at school! Keep sending us those photos! “Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!” Dr. Seuss
One fish! Two fish!
“From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!” One of our ECC students, Violet is starting today in a fun way to celebrate Read Across America Day! She is wearing One fish! Two fish! pajamas. Great job Violet!