The Agawam High School Music Department Congratulates the following freshmen for making the MMEA Junior Districts Jazz Band and Band respectively for the 2021 district festival:
Adam Ward - jazz band, drumset
Coleman Bradlee - jazz band, trumpet
Nick Nguyen - band, trumpet (1st chair)
Gabe Rua - band, trumpet
Gabby Manes - band, alto sax
Alexis Wozniak - band, horn
We are so very proud of these talented AHS students!

It's National School Counseling Week!
We appreciate our Agawam High School counselors! Mrs. Niles, Mrs. LaPoint, Mrs. Dromey, Mr. Veres, Ms. Galereave, Ms. Wynne, Mrs. Bernier, Mrs. Crowe and Mrs. DeJesus!

NHS Class of 2021 Inductees Presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNoBJ2ejaWA

We are excited to announce our new website. Please take a look around!

This Doering Middle School student hand-made and painted this chessboard during remote learning. Such diligent efforts in the carving of the chess pieces, very impressive!

Vision: The Agawam School Community is committed to developing compassionate, contributing citizens through an inclusive learning environment with high expectations. Mission: The Agawam Public School District, in partnership with the community will provide a safe, personalized, and engaging learning experience where every student is supported and challenged.