State Champions The Girl's Wrestling team took home the state championship last week! The pictures show the team with the trophy as well as Athena G. on the podium after winning the state individual title. Congrats! Team members included Olivia A., Ella A., and Olicvia D. The team is led by coach Coach Ramos.
about 3 years ago, Agawam High School
AHS Girl's wrestling team
Agawam High School is excited to celebrate National Breakfast Week, March 7-11, 2022! Join us for breakfast with our "Celebrity" Servers!
about 3 years ago, Elizabeth Moulton
National School Breakfast Week
Want to learn about the Innovation Pathways offered at AHS? Click on this link:
about 3 years ago, Carla Chase
Pathways to Prosperity
Agawam High School Band Parent Association Presents 2nd Annual Bingo for Designer Bags Friday, April 8, 2022 Storrowton Tavern (Carriage House) 1350 Memorial Ave., West Springfield, MA Doors open at 5:30 – Bingo starts at 7:00 Light refreshments and hors d’oeuvres will be served Please join us for an exciting night out to support the Agawam Band Program! We will feature designer handbags such as Dooney & Bourke, Michael Kors, Coach, Kate Spade and more along with amazing raffles prizes! Keep watching our event page for more details and previews of what’s to come. Click on the link:
about 3 years ago, Agawam High School
Designer Bag Bingo
PARTNERS" RESTAURANT is hiring for summer employment! They operate the employee cafeteria at Six Flags beginning in April through October. It is the perfect weekend and summer job for high school students aged 16 and older. You will be a Partners employee, not Six Flags. Hours are flexible. They will be having a hiring fair at Partners Restaurant on March 6th & 7th as well as March 13th & 14th from 2pm-4pm for anyone interested. Some perks are: FREE entry to Six Flags during non-working hours, FREE guest passes. If you are unable to attend the hiring events, please email your interests to
about 3 years ago, Agawam High School
Now Hiring
Click here to view the AHS DESE Report Card
about 3 years ago, Agawam High School
DESE Report Card
AHS Varsity Hockey Senior Night
about 3 years ago, Carla Chase
AHS Varsity Hockey team seniors
Six Flags New England is hiring! Click on the flyer for more information.
about 3 years ago, Agawam High School
Six Flags New England logo
The Spirit Club is hosting an Agawam night at the Springfield Thunderbirds hockey game against the Hartford Wolfpack on Friday, Feb 4th. at 7pm. All members of the Agawam community can get a $15 dollar group-rate ticket if they order it through this link: Spread the word and join in for a fun night out. Be sure to order by Feb 3rd to get the discount.
about 3 years ago, Carla Chase
Springfield Thunderbirds logo
Come out and support the Agawam Future Medical Careers Club!
about 3 years ago, Agawam High School
Chipotle Fundraiser
Happy Thanksgiving!
over 3 years ago, Agawam High School
Thanksgiving message
This school year, Agawam Public Schools, will be using a new Student Information System and Parent/Guardian Portal called PowerSchool. Each parent/guardian will need to create a new account in PowerSchool. This will replace the PlusPortal account you may have used in previous years. You will use PowerSchool to view your students schedule, grades, report cards, and other important information. You are also able to keep your own information up to date and accurate. Instructions for how to create your account will be emailed to parents/guardians. Starting today, August 18th, we will be sending instructions to one grade level each day. Starting with 1st grade. This is being done so not to overload PowerSchool with new accounts or overwhelm the technology support desk. If you have any questions or need help creating your account, please contact APS Technology at
over 3 years ago, Agawam High School
STUDENT CENTRAL ENROLLMENT For enrollment information and/or enrollment packet please see Nahir Rivera at the Agawam High School or call 413-821-0530 ext 7653 or 413-789-9398
over 3 years ago, Agawam High School
Colored Pencils
Senior Awards Night Link The following link will provide a full screen version of the Senior Awards Presentation. If in Agawam/Feeding Hills, you can alternatively watch on Comcast Channel 15.
almost 4 years ago, Agawam High School
Golden Laurel wreath
AHS Senior parent Mrs. Deb Paquette painted rocks with each of the seniors' names on them. Pictured with her are left to right Kaelynn Paquette, Ana Paquette, Mrs. Wendy Rua, Emily Paquette and Mrs. Deb Paquette.
almost 4 years ago, Agawam High School
AHS Parent Mrs. Paquette
AHS Band Virtual Ensemble - "High School Cadets"
almost 4 years ago, Carla Chase
AHS Band Logo
NHS seniors collected donations of 2,250 lbs of food for the Gray House Food Pantry in Springfield. Donations from staff, students, and community members made up the largest single donation to Gray House since March 2020, when the number of clients served increased by 118%..
about 4 years ago, Agawam High School
NHS students food drive
NHS students food drive
A heartfelt thanks goes out to the "Senior Moms" for organizing, packing and distributing the gift bags for the Celebrating Seniors Day. Led by coordinators, Wendy Rua and Sherry Balzano, Becky Santaniello, Kelly Bryant, Kristie Luke, Rhonda Typrowicz, Catherine Beavis, Pam Moore, Erica Schlosser, Michelle Wolfe, Teresa Smith, Michelle Winer, Wendy Mcananama, Allison Strong and Chrissy Turcotte-White all contributed to making this a great event for the Class of 2021! Thanks for all of the time and energy you put into making this a huge success. Tom Schnepp
about 4 years ago, Tom Schnepp
The AHS Music Department sends its CONGRATULATIONS to MICHAEL WINER!! AHS Senior, Mike Winer has been accepted into the 2021 Massachusetts ALL STATE CHORUS and will be representing Agawam High School as a member of the All State Chorus of MMEA/NAFME on March 6 and March 20 in a Virtual All State Concert Performance. The music department is proud of the continuing talent and efforts put forth by our students!
about 4 years ago, Agawam High School
person singing with music notes
Art Teacher Ms. Amber Waters recently submitted student work to the Massachusetts Art Education Association Juried Art Exhibition for Amazing Emerging Artists. Senior Kim Beaver's painting "The Final Kick" was accepted and will be displayed in the 2021 Recognitions Exhibit.
about 4 years ago, Agawam High School
Student art work