Hello APS Community. There are some great parent support resources that I wanted to share! Please feel free to contact me with any questions at mdejesus@agawamed.org
1) The holidays, for many, are steeped in tradition, providing an opportunity to spend time with those we love, enjoy a special meal together, a season that some look forward to all year long. With COVID-19, this year is going to be different. To help you prepare, MassSupport is holding a FREE VIRTUAL TOWN HALL, WHERE WE WILL PROCESS CHANGE AND LOSS AND EXPLORE HOW TO MAKE THIS YEAR’S HOLIDAYS AS SAFE AND MEANINGFUL AS POSSIBLE. Thurs. 11/19 7pm-9pm
Register at:
MONDAY @ 6:00 pm Zoom ID Number: 264 212 8031
Contact Person: Margery Jess / Gretchen Emond Phone: 413-530-5488 /413-530-4689
TUESDAY @ 1:00 pm (bilingual) Zoom ID Number: 264 212 8031
Contact Person: Jan Lamberg / Cynthia Santiago Phone: 413-387-7161 /413-218-5055
WEDNESDAY @ 1:00 pm Zoom ID Number: 264 212 8031
Contact Person: Margery Jess / Gretchen Emond Phone: 413-530-5488 / 413-530-4689
YOU CAN ALWAYS CALL IN AT: (413) 232-9218 EXT. 800
JUEVE @ 1:00 pm (Spanish / Español) Número de Identificación en Zoom: 264 212 8031
Persona de Contacto: Jan Lamberg / Cynthia Santiago Teléfono: 413-387-7161 / 413-218-5055
Meals can be picked up on the following days in November at either the Agawam Junior High School OR Roberta Doering Middle School:
Friday, November 13th, 7:30am-8:30am OR 1pm-2pm
Wednesday, November 18th, 7:30am-8:30am OR 1pm-2pm
Wednesday, November 25th 7:30am-9am
Please email Liz Moulton, emoulton@agawamed.org with any questions.
The next pick up time for remote meals will be on Friday, November 13 from 7:30am -8:30am or 1pm-2pm. Meals can be picked up at either the Junior High School or the Middle School.
Please email Liz Moulton, emoulton@agawamed.org with any questions.
Agawam Public Schools Department of Food Services is pleased to continue offering meals for all students while the District is learning in a fully remote model.
Meals can be picked up on:
Wednesday 11/4: 7:30am-8:30am OR 1pm-2pm (2 breakfast and 2 lunch)
Friday 11/6: 7:30am-8:30am OR 1pm-2pm (3 breakfast and 3 lunch)
Monday 11/9: 7:30am-8:30am OR 1pm-2pm (3 breakfast and 3 lunch)
There will be no pick up on Wednesday, November 11, while we observe the Veteran's Day Holiday.
Meals can be picked up at either the Junior High School or Doering Middle School. Please fill out the Google form, if you haven't already, to help us with our planning.
Thank you for your continued support of the Agawam Food Services Program.
Hello APS families. We will start our first 5-week bereavement group with Rick’s Place on Nov 16th. This first group will be for students grade 4th through 6th and their caregivers who experienced a loss of a loved one. Groups will run from 6 to 6:45 and will be remote. This is a group for families (child and caregiver) to heal together. Through this facilitated support group, Rick’s Place offers grieving young people and their families a place to remember their loved ones and to avoid the sense of isolation that such a loss can produce. Because grief is a normal response to any loss, Rick’s Place offers caring and compassionate support to grieving young people.
Please email our Student Referral Coordinator, Pam Gentile at pgentile@agawamed.org to sign up or to learn more. Slots are filling up fast! Watch this quick video to learn more: https://youtu.be/Mv1QetphCtk
Reminder: There is no school tomorrow, November 3rd. It is a scheduled professional development day for teachers.
Good Morning,
Agawam Schools will have remote learning today, Monday, November 2, 2020. A local news station accidentally reported that remote learning was cancelled today. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Thank you.
Agawam Public Schools Department of Food Services will be making meals available for pickup while the District is learning in a fully remote model. Meals can be picked up on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 7:30am-8:30am OR 1pm-2pm at either the Junior High School or Doering Middle School starting on Monday November 2, 2020. Please use the Google Form to help us with our planning.
English Learner Parent Advisory Meeting will be held Monday, November 2nd 7-8pm to navigate the new remote learning schedule for elementary students.
Please note the day and time changes for Remote Meals Pick Up in November. If you can have any questions or would like to add your child to the pick up list, please email Liz Moulton at emoulton@agawamed.org.
Reunión virtual para ofrecer información médica sobre COVID-19 y la seguridad durante las festividades!!!!!
Con las festividades “a la vuelta de la esquina”, MassSupport Network será anfitriona de una reunión virtual totalmente en español con el fin de aportar perspectivas y estrategias para reducir el estrés y la ansiedad que personas puedan tener con respecto a viajar para ver a sus seres queridos en las próximas festividades.
El programa financiado por la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA) celebrará una reunión virtual a nivel estatal para promover información concreta de profesionales médicos confiables sobre el COVID 19 y cómo evitar este virus durante las festividades. El evento de Facebook Live que lleva el título “Mantenerse seguro y conectado: información médica sobre COVID-19 y las festividades” está programado para el 29 de octubre, de 7 a 8:30 p. m.
RSVP on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/363309808097704/
A Free Virtual Meeting To Offer Medical Information About COVID-19 and Safety Around the Holidays!!
With the holidays right around the corner, the MassSupport Network will host a free, virtual meeting and
conversation in Spanish to provide insights and strategies for reducing stress and anxiety that people may have
about traveling to see their loved ones during the upcoming holidays.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funded program is holding a statewide, virtual meeting to
promote factual information from trusted medical professionals on COVID-19 and staying COVID-19 free during
the holidays. The Facebook Live event entitled “Staying Safe and Staying Connected: Medical Information
Around COVID-19 and the Holidays” is set for October 29th from 7-8:30p.m. For more information and to RSVP at: https://www.facebook.com/events/363309808097704/
Fall Sports Update
Any parent or guardian of a child living in Agawam, who is homeschooled, you are welcome to attend our Homeschool Meet-Up! October 21, 5pm
meet.google.com/gii-pxpi-mgp +1 573-667-3072 PIN: 714 566 409#
AGAWAM PUBLIC SCHOOLS-Remote Learning Disclaimer regarding videotaping live Google Meets.
Please be mindful of the information below.
The Agawam Public School District is utilizing a remote learning opportunity which includes the use of video communication and technology-based classrooms. It is important that we continue to respect the privacy and intellectual property rights of our school community, our teachers, and our students. There are students with and without disabilities in our web-based classrooms. By participating in remote learning today, you agree that you may not record or share this session or any information from this session. Agawam Public Schools also agrees that we will not record or share any information from this session with third parties without the agreement of all parties involved. The rules in school apply to this remote classroom experience. Students must treat each other with respect during our time together and must obey school rules.
Please click on the link for updates regarding fall sports and spectator information. https://5il.co/m1pi
Due to trees being down on some of our town roads, busses may be delayed this afternoon. Thank you.
Agawam schools are open at their regular time today. There may be some delays with busses, due to road closures because of storm damage.
Families and APS staff:
The Hampden-Wilbraham Partners Youth Coalition with support from the Rotary Club of Wilbraham-Hampden cordially invites the Agawam Public School community and the town of Agawam community to participate in a LIVE webinar on Wednesday, October 21st, from 7:00-8:00 PM.
So much has changed in such a short time… for kids, AND for parents! In this webinar, local family therapist Steve Opalenik will share insights and tips for guiding our young people to not just survive, but thrive through the many uncertainties that have impacted just about every aspect of daily life. Topics will include: How is the pandemic affecting kids’ mental health? How can we best support our children, and “parent for resilience?” What signs, symptoms or behaviors might indicate that my child is struggling? Where can I find additional help/ resources if needed?
To Registar: https://forms.gle/BqncCQsdJhq99ijw6
A separate ZOOM link will be sent 2 days prior to the session via email to all registered participants. Questions? Email: koconnor@hwrsd.org, or phone: (413) 566-5060 (Ext. 10)
Remote Meals Pick Up Time Change
Beginning October 7, 2020 Remote Meals can be picked up at 2 different times at Agawam Junior High School, 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM or 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM.
For more information, please see our flyer at https://5il.co/lrfl